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Why Winter Is the Best Time to Treat Varicose Veins

Varicose Veins, MD Vein & Skin Specialists

Varicose veins can cramp your style in the summer, making it nearly impossible to confidently wear shorts or swimsuits without others noticing the veins. Fortunately, varicose vein treatment exists. MD Vein & Skin Specialists in Columbia, Maryland has the methods, tools, and expertise to treat varicose veins so they are no longer a problem.

In fact, there are two different treatment types from which to choose, but did you know that it is best to treat varicose veins in the winter? Here’s why:

1. You can better tolerate compression stockings.

Compression stockings are quite useful in varicose vein treatment, but they can be hot. This makes them difficult to tolerate in the warmer months. Because it can be difficult to withstand that heat, many patients won’t wear them like they should.

When you schedule your appointment in the winter, however, the warmth produced by the stockings isn’t as uncomfortable. Because most patients typically wear pants over compression stockings, the cooler weather will make this extra layer more tolerable.

When compression stockings are more comfortable, you’re more likely to wear them the way you are supposed to so you can properly heal after treatment. The one way to know that you are getting the most out of treatment is to have a good doctor and to be compliant throughout the process.

2. You have time to get ready for shorts weather.

Getting treatment in the winter gives you time to get the appropriate treatment and heal before warm weather comes. Treatments such as sclerotherapy can cause discoloration and bruising that you will want to cover up. At MD Vein & Skin Specialists, we perform liquid sclerotherapy, foam sclerotherapy, and Varithena (foamed) treatments that are designed to get the best results. These injected chemical treatment methods are typically a complement to our endovenous laser procedures which are the mainstay of modern vein treatments.

To ensure accuracy, ultrasound can be used as a guide throughout the process. This ensures the best possible outcome and makes the sclerotherapy process much more successful. Because of the ability to use ultrasound guidance during vein treatment sclerotherapy, MD Vein & Skin Specialists can now treat major veins of the superficial venous system.

The varicose vein treatment possibilities are growing and will continue to grow. This is good news for everyone currently hiding their legs from the world because they don’t want their varicose veins to show.

3. Varicose veins are better seen in the winter.

Varicose veins are usually at their nastiest during the winter because physical activity tends to decrease. Basically, circulation is decreased, which makes the veins stand out more. The positive aspect of more visible veins is that this helps better identify the problem areas and even highlights why treatment is important.

If you don’t seek treatment for spider and varicose veins, your legs can become painful, and no one wants that. Painful legs in the winter can lead to legs that stay painful in the summer, which turns into reduced activity all year round. When you stop moving around because of leg pain, your health can seriously suffer.

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