Mole Mapping Specialist

MD Vein & Skin Specialists
Clement Banda, MD
Dermatologist & Phlebologist located in Owen Brown, Columbia, MD
Every eight minutes, an American is diagnosed with melanoma — an aggressive and potentially dangerous type of skin cancer. Fortunately, when melanoma is caught early, it has a cure rate of over 98%. At MD Vein & Skin Specialists in Columbia, Maryland, Clement Banda, MD, offers state-of-the-art mole mapping services using the FotoFinder® computerized mole mapping system. Call the office or schedule your mole mapping session online today.
Mole Mapping Q & A
What is mole mapping?
Mole mapping is the process of taking photographs of your moles to create a visual record. Dr. Banda uses the history to accurately assess the development of any new moles or changes in your existing moles. FotoFinder® is a state-of-the-art mole mapping system.
A high-definition camera is connected to Dr. Banda’s computer. All photos are saved directly into a database so that Dr. Banda can compare them to your skin at every visit. You can also have copies of your pictures so you can monitor your skin at home or share the information with your primary care provider.
What are the benefits of mole mapping?
Mole mapping allows Dr. Banda to accurately assess your skin and use a photographic record to identify any changes to your skin. The earlier a skin cancer such as melanoma is diagnosed, the more quickly Dr. Banda can take action to remove it. The sooner you have a skin cancer removed, the higher your chances of a cure.
What are the signs of skin cancer?
Melanomas look like irregular moles and are identified by the ABDCEs of skin cancer:
- Asymmetry
- Borders
- Diameter
- Color
- Evolving
A healthy mole is usually round, even, smaller than a pencil eraser, and brown or flesh-colored. Potentially cancerous moles are asymmetrical in shape and have abnormal or blurred borders. They’re often larger than a pencil eraser and can appear black, dark blue, purple, or red. Existing healthy moles can become cancers, so keep an eye on your moles to see if they evolve or change in shape and color.
Am I a good candidate for mole mapping?
Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer in the United States. It affects people of all ages and genders. So you and everyone you know should probably have mole mapping. Some of the common risk factors for skin cancer include having:
- A personal or family history of skin cancer
- More than 50 moles already present on your skin
- Any moles larger than a quarter-inch in diameter
- New moles that develop in adulthood
- Moles that change over time
- Fair or pale skin
- A severe blistering sunburn as a child
If you’re concerned about skin cancer, call MD Vein & Skin Specialists or make an appointment online for mole mapping and a skin cancer assessment.