Skin Cancer Specialist

MD Vein & Skin Specialists
Clement Banda, MD
Dermatologist & Phlebologist located in Owen Brown, Columbia, MD
More people in the United States are diagnosed with skin cancer each year than all other cancers combined. Dr. Clement Banda at MD Vein & Skin Specialists in Owen Brown, Columbia, Maryland, offers skin cancer checks and treatment for all types of skin cancer. Mole mapping aided by artificial intelligence technology is offered. If you have concerns about your skin or a suspicious-looking mole, call the office or schedule an appointment online.
Skin Cancer Q & A
What are the types of skin cancer?
There are several types of skin cancer. But the three most common are melanoma, basal carcinoma, and squamous cell skin cancer.
Basal cell carcinoma
Basal cell carcinoma is the most common type of skin cancer. Your basal cells are found in the deepest layers of your epidermis. Overexposure to the sun is the most common cause of this type of skin cancer, which tends to grow slowly and doesn’t spread to other parts of the body.
Squamous cell carcinoma
Squamous cells are found on the surface of your epidermis. As with basal cell carcinoma, sun exposure may increase your risk of developing this type of skin cancer, which grows slowly and generally doesn’t spread to other parts of your body.
Melanoma isn’t as common as the carcinomas above, but it’s the most dangerous because it can spread quickly to your other organs and lymph nodes.
How do I know if a mole or growth is cancer?
Each type of skin cancer has a distinct appearance. Based on the following symptoms, Dr. Banda may recommend a biopsy if your mole or growth looks suspicious.
Basal cell carcinoma symptoms
Various skin growths may indicate basal cell carcinoma. Common symptoms include:
- Raised pink or white bump
- Moles with a pearly edge
- A sore that continuously heals and reopens
- Flat, scaly scar with a waxy appearance and blurry edges
While basal cell carcinoma may present itself in various ways, one telltale sign is that the growth bleeds easily.
Squamous cell carcinoma symptoms
Generally, this type of cancer develops a skin lesion that’s sore and appears crusty or scaly with an inflamed red base.
Melanoma symptoms
To identify melanoma, you can use the ABCDE method.
- Asymmetry
- Borders are uneven
- Color, your mole contains more than one color
- Diameter, your mole is larger than a pencil eraser
- Evolving, your mole has changed over time
The more moles you have, the greater your risk of developing melanoma.
How is skin cancer treated?
Dr. Banda may treat your skin cancer with surgery, radiation, or chemotherapy, depending on the type of cancer you have. Other treatment options include:
- Cryotherapy: skin lesion is removed with liquid nitrogen
- Curettage and desiccation: electric current scrapes out the lesion
- Mohs micrographic surgery: removal of skin cancer with microscopic mapping
Dr. Banda also offers prescription cream medication that stimulates your body’s own natural healing power to remove the skin cancer.
For screening and treatment of all your skin care concerns, call MD Vein & Specialists or book an appointment using the online booking button.