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Here's How You Can Play a Role in Preventing Vein Disease

Here's How You Can Play a Role in Preventing Vein Disease

When veins start to fail within your body, a wide range of problems can begin. They may be minor and cosmetic, but they can also be serious and life-threatening. While there are medical treatments for most conditions, the most powerful allies in preventing vein disease are lifestyle changes you make and maintain. 

Dr. Clement Banda and the MD Vein & Skin Specialists team can help you choose the lifestyle adaptations that produce the best results for vein health. When you need treatment for the effects of vein disease, we’re by your side with effective and up-to-date therapies to keep you on your toes. 

Types of vein disease

Most vein diseases result in damage to the valves. The pooling of blood that results from valve failure causes various health conditions. Common vein diseases include: 

Vein diseases affect about 30 million Americans, with future levels predicted to grow. 

Lifestyle changes you can make to prevent vein disease

Sometimes, your risk of vein disease comes from conditions over which you have no control, such as family history. You can, though, choose options in the way you live to lighten the load on veins in your body. Consider these points and develop your own vein-friendly lifestyle. 

Healthy weight

Achieving and maintaining a healthy weight assures that your veins experience optimal conditions for moving blood. Carrying extra pounds adds distance and pressure to your vein network, increasing the strain on venous valves. 

Increased activity

Adding as little as 30 minutes of light to moderate low-impact activity five times a week provides a wide range of health benefits, including improved blood flow. Veins require leg muscles to pump blood back to the heart, so the more you step, pedal, or swim, the more efficiently your legs work. 

Rest with elevated legs

Stay active, but put your feet up when you’ve got downtime. Resting with your legs above the level of your heart helps to take pressure off your veins through natural drainage. 

Choose comfortable footwear

Tight shoes and high heels impede blood flow through your veins. Opt for comfortable, cushioned shoes for the best impact on leg vein performance. 

Compression hose

Compression socks and stockings support vein valves with the one-way upward movement of blood. Ask Dr. Banda about the right hose choice for you. 

Caring for your veins before problems start can keep you comfortable and active deep into life. When you need help, call or click to schedule an appointment with MD Vein & Skin Specialists for the appropriate medical care. We’re standing by to assist you, so book your visit today

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