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Do Cysts Go Away on their Own?

Your body is capable of developing a wide range of lumps and bumps, and one of the more common types are epidermoid cysts. Luckily, these are also one of the most harmless. While they can potentially develop anywhere on your body, they most often appear on your face, neck, and torso. 

While epidermoid cysts rarely cause problems, you may not like their appearance. You can hope that a cyst may go away on its own, and it can, but there’s no easy way to identify or predict which will stay or which will go. 

When you want to be rid of your bump now, book a visit to Dr. Clement Banda at MD Vein and Skin Specialists in Columbia, Maryland. Dr. Banda is both a dermatologist and phlebologist, so cyst removal is one of his many specialties. 

Identifying a cyst

Typically, epidermoid cysts grow slowly, forming a round bump on your skin. It could have a blackhead at its central opening and it may become filled with thick, yellow pus. In some cases, cysts can become inflamed, swollen, and tender. 

If a cyst grows rapidly or shows signs of becoming infected, it’s likely not going to disappear spontaneously. Similarly, cysts that form in unusual locations or in spots subject to lots of friction or irritation aren’t good candidates to go away naturally. 

In these situations, or when the appearance of a cyst bothers you, your best solution is a quick session with Dr. Banda to remove the offending cyst. 

Recurring cysts

Even if you have a cyst that disappears, it’s possible that it may regrow in the future. Epidermoid cysts have a wall that encase skin cells that are usually shed away from the body. The cyst wall produces keratin, the main component of the cyst’s pus. 

Even if your cyst drains, the wall remains unless it’s removed. While this isn’t a guarantee that a cyst will reform, it remains a possibility. Removing the cyst wall is a minor in-office procedure that usually stops the cyst from coming back. 

Home care 

Though it may be tempting in some cases, avoid the temptation to squeeze or drain a cyst yourself. Trying to remove a cyst increases your risk of infection, and you might create a scar. It’s not likely you’ll be able to remove the cyst wall. 

Instead, place a warm, wet washcloth over the cyst for 20 minutes, several times a day, to soothe a sore cyst and to help it drain naturally by itself. 

If you’re unsure if a bump is a cyst, particularly if it’s not a firm, round bump, it could be due to many reasons. Most of them are minor, but any unusual skin growth should be evaluated by a primary care provider or a dermatologist. 

You can reach MD Vein and Skin Specialists by phone or online to schedule a consultation with Dr. Banda to assess or remove your epidermoid cyst. You can be sure that your bump disappears when you want. Book now.  

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