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Compression Stockings Relieve Tired, Aching Legs

Prescription Strength Compression Stockings

Prescription strength compression stockings help improve blood circulation and force fluid out of swollen legs and ankles.

These stockings apply external pressure to the leg to reduce venous pressure within the limb. The pressure applied is greatest at the ankle and declines as the stockings move up the leg. The stockings work with the pumping action of your calf muscle as you walk and exercise. You don’t have to have a problem with your veins or legs to wear compression socks and stockings. Many healthy, active men and women of all ages find them helpful.

Anyone who wants to maximize endurance by improving blood circulation and increasing oxygen delivery to the limb can benefit from compression socks. They are often worn by runners, soccer players, basketball players and other sports enthusiasts. Athletic recovery socks are available and designed to improve and speed up recovery after physical activity by helping to flush out lactic acid, relieving tired legs and reducing muscle soreness.

There are compression stockings that are perfect for the professional woman. Available in a variety of trendy colors and styles, these stockings are both attractive and durable. There is even a pantyhose style stocking suitable for a pregnant woman. Just as with women’s compression stockings, the color and style selection for men is very wide. There is a stocking for every situation, from dress to casual to sport.

Beware of so-called compression stockings available in catalogs, online and in some retail stores.

These stockings usually lack the compression levels of our prescription strength stockings. In some cases, the key to comfort, ease of use and effectiveness is a custom fitted stocking. In our office, we have a trained and certified fitter who will measure your legs and recommend the correct stockings for you.

Free Leg Health Screening

Schedule Your Free Leg Health Screening with Dr. Banda Today! Call (443) 681-6367 now, or if you prefer, fill out our  Online Appointment Request Form to Schedule your Consultation.

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